A Northeastern student is providing protective gears

2 min readOct 11, 2020

Currently, with the coronavirus pandemic surging up high in scales, the protective gear to help fight against it is falling short as there is scarcity in supply and product. However, nowadays masks are among the most important protective gears to possess, and in many places, it is compulsory to wear one to prevent the infection from spreading. In this situation, everyone is trying to lend their helping hands out and contribute even in the smallest possible way to fight against the pandemic, which can also make a huge difference to the current scenario.

A third-year student of Health Science at Northeastern has come forward with many of her class and college mates to gather disposable or homemade mask to provide the ones who are in need and reach further as much as they can. Initially, it started with a Facebook group named Million Mask Marathon; thereafter she made a video on how to make a mask with a pair of scissors and an old t-shirt without any sewing machine, which she published on YouTube. Through this video and some of her college mates and others joining her as volunteers in this initiative, Samantha Hall reached out to many places where there was a shortage of personal protective equipment and provided them with homemade and disposable masks that she received from across the city. Hall believed that, if every person donated even only one mask, there will no scarcity of protective gears.

Besides spreading the masks to the people of Boston, Hall also connected with overseas hospitals and charities, such as Village Health Works in Burundi, the Ark City of Refuge in South Africa, the Coptic Mission hospital in Zambia, and Volunteer Corps Nepal. Samantha Hall looks forward to expanding this group after the pandemic as her goals are to “raise funds or explore other paths to support people who are in most need, perhaps doing clothing or food drives, and spreading awareness of how we can continue to promote public health measures”.

Rubena Bose

Originally published at https://globalshala.com.

