How to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business form of self-regulation that has developed alongside greater public awareness of ethical and environmental issues. It is a mechanism through which corporations set of legal, moral, social and ecological standards. Expectations of corporate behaviour have been rising over the years. Many companies have sought to adapt to CSR as it is a socially-conscious customer base. Employees are usually drawn to companies whose track record for responsible behaviour is acceptable. Being a good corporate citizen can help a company differentiate itself from the crowd.
Here are some tips to be a responsible corporate citizen for companies:
Business code of ethics
Companies should adopt a business code of ethics. This will outline employee conduct on issues such as ethics, environment, values, diversity, employee respect and customer service.
Workplace health and safety program
Companies who create and follow an apparent workplace health and safety program establish reliable systems. Employees feel protected in case of accidents and injuries. It also ensures your company is compliant with government legislation on health and safety.
Commitment to environment protection
Companies should develop practices and policies to fulfil their environmental commitment. Some companies produce broader “sustainability” reports, which encompass social, economic and ecological activities.
Get your suppliers on board
Companies should ensure their suppliers meet the expectations of responsible behaviour regarding issues such as fair pricing, etc. Clear your expectations with them and screen them to determine their past conduct.
Say no to greenwashing
Many companies use techniques to ‘green’ their image. In such a scenario, use proper and honest marketing techniques, which reflect your company’s integrity. Avoid any advertising or communication that could be seen as manipulative or harmful to the public.
Donate money smartly
Many manufacturing businesses donate to community organizations in towns where they have plants. The idea is to give back to society, while at the same time sending a message about the values of your brand.
To know more, visit Globalshala
Shahjadi Jemim Rahman