Inclusive education in the U.S

With the advent of “Inclusive Education” in many of the prestigious universities in the U.S, the authorities have set up an example that knowledge is for everybody, and no one should be refrained from acquiring it. In order to understand how to achieve this, it is essential to know what ”Inclusive education” actually means. Inclusion in education in one way refers to a model wherein students with special needs and those with non-special (general/normal) needs to learn, engage, understand each other and grow together under one roof. Such a mixed experience for the students with special needs allows them to take a step forward towards successful social interactions and further helps them to attract glittering success in their lives. In another way, feeling included is not only limited to physical and cognitive disabilities but also includes the full range of human diversity concerning ability, language, culture, gender, age, and of other forms of human differences. Let us see how some of the universities have extended their boundaries to welcome more diversity and improve education at a much higher level.
- St Louis University- The graduate certificate in inclusive practice at Saint Louis University has a design that provides classroom teachers and education advocates with tools to support the social-emotional, behavioural, and mental health needs of students, particularly students with suspected and/or diagnosed disabilities. Courses in behaviour management, differentiated instruction, and mental health literacy focus on responding productively to students in trauma, decreasing educator burnout, and engaging in essential forms of self-care. Also, through an innovative site-based coaching model, the certificate in inclusive practice provides a unique opportunity for teachers and other local stakeholders to experience hands-on support for the daily work of teaching.
- Northeastern University- They are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community to advance justice and cultural literacy and help eradicate systemic racism. Northeastern has long worked toward this vision, increasing diversity at all levels – students, faculty, and staff. It will include also increasing the number of Black American students enrolled in the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs, and also increasing faculty and staff of colour. The goal for Northeastern is to reflect the diversity of the nation and society by 2025. Northeastern has teamed up with its broad range of employers in developing best practices and expectations to promote the recruitment and advancement of people of colour, particularly from underrepresented groups. Northeastern can now serve as a beacon and lead by example.

- Michigan State University-As a new initiative, Building Inclusive Communities, pulls MSU’s core values into sharper focus, with particular emphasis on its value of inclusion. It increases visibility, understanding, support, and pride for the diverse MSU community, for its core value of inclusion, and its history of leadership on this issue. This initiative is vital so that our differences get acknowledged as our strength, we can be different together, and our many voices sound together to form one will.
- University of Arkansas- Has undertaken cutting-edge research on issues of diversity and inclusion and serves as a research-hub of expertise, leadership, and support for equity, inclusion, and other dimensions of diversity. It has also developed and delivered a comprehensive array of educational and training components (courses, workshops, and online seminars) about diversity and inclusion that provides knowledge, skills, and tools for stakeholders to create and sustain change in their organisations. It will, as a result, foster academic and workforce success for all.
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Dawor Deka