SLU provides financial aid for students during corona times
The COVID-19 pandemic attack has not had it easy on anyone. To look after the needs of its students, the CARES Act provides universities with financial aid from its federal stimulus package. Saint Louis University is one of the five thousand universities in the US to have received this. The amount received is about $5.14 million. This will be put to good use to ensure that the SLU community is able to bypass this crisis period with minimum disruption to their well-being.
According to the CARES Act, the amount is for the financial aid of students who have had to pay extra expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. David Heimburger, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the University, says that half of the amount — that is $2.57 million — will be directly given to the students who have had unexpected expenses during this period, and taking into consideration as to who needs it the most. A COVID-19 Relief Request Application has been circulated to help the University identify the same. The rest of the money will be put to use towards the University’s expenses in the form of refunds that were issued for room and board, estimated at a $10 million.
The University hopes to award grants for about 3500 students and is to be refunded to the MySLU accounts of the students. The switch from physical learning environments to virtual learning is also expected to have caused some financial strain upon the students which will also be covered with these grants. Food, housing, transportation, medical expenses, and utility costs are some of the other areas that are hoped to be covered. The University hopes to make this time a little easier for its students through the move. “Know that we are here for you. We are OneSLU.”, Heimburger said.
To know more, visit GlobalShala.
N Malavika Mohan
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