Social Distancing- The solution to COVID-19?
The whole world is in a state of war against the pandemic- COVID-19. It isn’t the war to be won with muscle and weapons, it’s a war to be won with patience, with gratitude towards our people, and with being united with one another. All of us are in the state of lockdown for a significant amount of time now. We are practising social distancing everywhere outside and even in our homes to save ourselves from coming in contact with an infected person. However, is social distancing sufficient to get rid of this pandemic? Is it possible to maintain social distancing at every point of time and during every activity?
The Northeastern University ‘s researcher explained in of the litmus podcasts why social distancing is necessary to prevent the hospitals from getting overwhelmed during COVID-19. According to them, the peaking of COVID-19 is estimated to be in 3–6 weeks from the current period. However, it is difficult to determine how steep the curve may go as not all cases are reported and identified. Hospitals are taking various measures like setting up tents, increase in production of PPE kits, trying and testing of various drugs and medicines as the antidote of the virus to shelter and help confirmed and suspected corona patients. Various new healthcare facilities have been set up in this period to accommodate people. Getting out of your houses without it being an emergency is highly risky as a person may be infected but asymptomatic too. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet to keep your immunity high while you practice social distancing. For people of every age group, it is risky for going out while the virus is still out there without a confirmed potential cure.
COVID-19 may be a pandemic that has hit our world, but it can be fought against by simply washing your hands for 20 seconds frequently in a day and maintaining social distancing. It’s a tough time, but it too shall pass. We all need to be patient and smart to end up on a winning note in this war.
Luvpreet Singh
Originally published at