The puzzle that is COVID-19
The number of people detected of COVID-19 increase rampantly as each day passes. What future is going to look like, no one can predict just yet. While some still have a hope of going back to living the way we used to, others say that what we are going to have is an all new kind of normal. The uncertainty regarding the disease seems to increase when people with no symptoms start turning positive. Some of the students of Northeastern University are working towards helping the community in such a situation.
Victoria Diaz, a fifth-year nursing student at Northeastern University, is working dual shifts at the emergency departments of two hospitals in Boston — Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Boston Children’s Hospital. Molly Dennie is a fifth-year student of physical therapy at Northeastern University and works on co-op as a rehabilitation aide at Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care, working with the rehabilitation process of patients who have not been tested positive for COVID-19. Pauline Seremetis works at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center as she continues to be a student of the 16-month nursing program at Northeastern University.
They have been working in odd shifts, putting their own lives at stake, to help the country come out of the corona pandemic situation that it finds itself in. They may not be able to meet their family or friends as they used to, considering how they are exposed to these patients on a regular basis but it gives them immense pleasure in being able to lend a hand during this crucial time to save other people’s lives. The uncertainty of who has it and who does not create an increased mental stress for them. “We have to treat everybody as though they have it.”, says Diaz. They continue in the optimistic belief that things will settle down, eventually.
N Malavika Mohan
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