University education after the pandemic — GlobalShala
University education after the pandemic
Covid-19 has been successful in bringing unplanned changes to our lives. With the unprecedented growth in the number of cases, students’ high expectations and plans about making it to their choice of the respective universities abroad are at a halt . Let us look at how some of these universities will manage classes after the pandemic-
Northeastern University has decided to reopen the classrooms and residence halls in the upcoming weeks. The university has decided to reopen the campuses in different locations depending upon the COVID-19 data, and the university will continue to function by the guidance from public health and government authorities. A robust plan for testing and contact tracing is currently developing. The university will facilitate the initial return of the faculty and staff members who can best complete their work on campus, including researchers and students who need access to labs and scientific equipment and who cannot work off-campus followed by the more significant rest. Senior leadership will select them. The number of employees across all campuses will be in small numbers that do not exceed a 25 per cent capacity in any scenario. The university is trying to re-establish the space for living, learning, and recreational activities.
Moreover, the campus, classrooms and everything commonly used by the residents will be thoroughly cleaned and properly sanitised. All students, faculty and staff members will have to follow the guidelines presented to them by the Government to ensure safety.
SLU has decided to begin undergraduate classes on 17th of August 2020. As for the employees, the non-essential ones are to return to the campus slowly and methodically. Currently, about 85 per cent of classes may take place on their currently-scheduled day and time. For the remaining 15 per cent of classes, the day and time of those will change. Housing assignments for returning students could change. SLU will do its best to honour students’ original housing type and roommate requests. Incoming students should receive housing assignments by early July. For international students, online classes will take place to continue the learning process. The university will offer financial aid to those in need and is conducting intensive tests and giving medical assistance to those in need.
Other universities
The other esteemed universities like the Harvard University, the ivy leagues among various others have decided to resume the classes from fall 2020 and will conduct online classes for the international students to avoid travelling. As per the conduct of the on-campus classes, decisions are pending.
To know more, visit GlobalShala.
Dawor Deka
Originally published at