Why employees want their boss to be like Michael Scott from The Office?
American sitcom The Office is a television series that depicts the everyday lives of office employees in Pennsylvania airing for nine seasons from 2005 to 2013. Adapted from the 2001–2003 BBC series of the same name, the series is relevant even till today. Whenever we think of working in an office, we look for security, fun and good people to be around. When you watch the show, it aspires you to create an atmosphere which helps everybody grow and be considered a boss that people look up to. The character Michael Scott has won hearts with his admirable qualities. If you are creating a startup or are already a boss, here are some reasons why you should aspire to be like Scott:
Makes meetings interesting
Scott was determined to keep his team engaged with the subject and invites them to interact with the one who’s holding the meeting. These meetings might not always be productive, but they are never dull.
Keeps his troops happy
Scott never failed to encourage or compliment his team. Regardless of their work quality, Scott encouraged his team members when needed. When a manager encourages his people, they accomplish great things. It boosts their confidence, which in turn increases their productivity.
The incident when Michael attended Pam’s art show when nobody else bothered to visit is world-famous. He encouraged her to move forward and even bought one of her paintings for his office. This confidence that Michael sent her eventually led her to go to art school and follow her dream.
Considers his team as his family
Michael considered himself a friend first to all those who work in the office. He truly loves and respects his employees and acknowledges their weaknesses. The best thing to note is that he understands their strengths, and finds ways to position them to succeed. If you give your employees the love and admiration you give your friends and family, they will give it back.
Makes time for fun
A little fun never hurts and is vital to the work environment and the wellbeing of your team. Studies show that people who have fun at the office are happier and more productive. Whether it is a social gathering or a fun workshop, there are plenty of good ideas to bond and have a laugh or two.
Shahjadi Jemim Rahman